College of Business

We mean business. Start your journey...

Your Success Starts in Our Community.
There are 27 distinct Bachelor of Science programs within the College of Business (COB). With a variety of specialized degree options, it's easy to see why students who are serious about starting their careers in business turn to COB.
COB offers six graduate programs for students to gain a strong foundation in a chosen field or to explore changing career paths. Seated, online and accelerated options available.
Be a #BizBear!

What sets us apart

Job Placement Rate
of our 2022-23 graduates were employed or attending graduate school six months after graduation.
discover your potential
Employer Visits
employers attended College of Business career fairs in 2023-24 to recruit our students
How to participate
Donor-Funded Scholarships
awarded in donor-funded business scholarships in AY 2023-24.
Application information
COB offers individualized attention by providing students with the facilities and resources necessary to succeed.
Missouri State business graduates are highly sought after by companies and organizations across the globe. COB's on-site Career Center connects business students with hundreds of employers each year.
A total renovation and expansion project was completed at Glass Hall in late 2017. Find out how it all came together.
College, department and program level advisory boards ensure the College of Business’ undergraduate and graduate curricula are aligned with employer expectations and needs.
Bears Business Community is a living-learning community where students with similar interests or majors live on the same floor and participate in a range of social and academic activities.
COB faculty are active participants in many fields of scholarly research, which benefits the business community as well as our students. Students may participate in research, as well!

